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Gift manual cycling

Gift Manual /​/​ Athlete Picks

Discover the choices our athletes make for their protection. These are the people who use their kit more than anyone else. When factors like comfort and durability are put to the test, these are the products they choose.

GIFT Manual // Athlete picks /

athlete picks: ALISON JACKSON

Alison Jackson turns to these products to keep her protected in all conditions. Choose these, and you’ll keep your loved ones protected on every road.

EXPLORE the complete road gift MANUAL

Athlete picks

GIFT Manual // Athlete picks /

athlete picks: LACHLAN MORTON

Lachlan Morton cycles across all terrains, regularly testing the limits of endurance. These are his choice of products that always go the distance.

explore the complete Gravel gift MANUAL

Athlete picks



Propel Propel
  1. ーBiogrilamidフレーム

  2. ― 完全UVプロテクション

  3. クラリティレンズテクノロジー