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Product image of Ora Roll off System
Product image of Ora Roll off System

Ora Roll off System

7,000 JPY

The roll-off system makes it easy to clear mud and dirt from your visor so your vision is always clear.


サイズ: One Size

  1. 60日間返品可能


  1. Clear lens

  2. Roll-off film gives clear vision

The roll-off system for the Ora goggle ensures your vision is never affected by mud and dirt on your goggle lens.

The lens system makes it easy to roll a film in front of your visor, instantly clearing away and mud splashes from your line of sight.

By using the roll-off system, you don't run the risk of tear-offs getting dropped in nature, keeping your impact on the environment to a minimum.

Item number: 41249

Clear lens

The clear lens is tailored for downhill and ensures your vision remains sharp in the wooded sections.

Roll-off film

The roll-off film in front of the goggles lens is easy to move to the side, clearing mud and dirt from your line of sight.

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